Adult gay men making love

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Grace is a straight-talking businesswoman who loves her vodka, while Frankie is a free-spirited art teacher who loves her psychedelics. So for those of you who may not be familiar, on 'Grace And Frankie,' Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin play Grace Hanson and Frankie Bergstein. Welcome back, Cate.ĬATE YOUNG, BYLINE: Thanks for having me. HARRIS: Joining me today is film and culture critic Cate Young. I'm Aisha Harris, and today we're talking about 'Grace And Frankie' on POP CULTURE HAPPY HOUR from NPR. The final episodes of the seventh and final season are out now, and perhaps more than ever, the show's attuned to the realities of senior aches and pains, as well as the importance of bonds, both familial and romantic.

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HARRIS: If you mashed up 'The Odd Couple' and 'The Golden Girls' and updated it for an audience reared on Nancy Meyers movies, you'd have 'Grace And Frankie.' The delightfully cheesy Netflix sitcom stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as frenemies turned co-dependent besties, who navigate life and aging in a chicly manicured California beach house. A warning - this episode contains mention of assisted suicide.

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