Famous gay men that were married to women

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Most Famous For: Mildred Pierce, inspiring Mommie Dearest Most Famous For: Gone With the Wind, The Hot Heiress Romanced: Marjorie 'Ma Kettle' Main, Maude Adams Most Famous For: Meet John Doe, Little Women

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Here’s a small list of actresses with whom we share a kinship. While we know about several already ( Marlene Dietrich, Tallulah Bankhead, Greta Garbo) there are several others who we can claim as well. The recent discovery that Vivien Leigh had several female lovers adds her to an ever-growing list of talented actresses that were married to men but involved with women in the early days of Hollywood. It seems like every time there’s a new biography about a past Hollywood star or starlet, we get to know a little more about their sexual history and it involves both sexes.

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